The Ideas Behind The Frame of Mind Collection – Ghostn Skip to content
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    Behind The Screen: The Ideas Behind The Frame of Mind Collection

    Justin Capili · Jan 11, 2021

    Combining Different Styles

    Making the styles of the garments and the themes of the collection cohesive was a challenge, to say the least. The biggest visual inspirations came from my career as a videographer and the media I was exposed to as a child. I was raised on the VHS tapes of a lot of older cartoons, but the one series I kept coming back to was Scooby-Doo. If I could trace my love for horror back to a starting point I'd say this was probably it. Horror and the VHS aesthetic put together gave me the found footage look that ended up being my chemical X. 

    The garments themselves were born from my interest in techwear (specifically urban, goth, and warcore) and streetwear. I love the bold and free-spirited nature of streetwear and I just wanted to add something to it. I wasn't sure what at the time, but it clicked one day when I was taking a break from brainstorming to do some gaming.

    Urban Techwear

    Brand: SHADXW

    Military Techwear (Warcore)

    Brand: HOLYGRAIL

    Goth Techwear



    I've been playing video games since I was old enough to start walking. Besides glasses and lifelong vision impairment, video games inspired me. At the time of creating this collection, I was very invested in Rainbow Six Siege. This game had me hooked for three main reasons: the potential for big brain plays with its gadgets and destructible environments, the gunplay, and last but not least their character/cosmetic designs! I just knew I had to make something from the amazing eye candy I was being given.


    On top of inspiring me, video games also helped me get through a lot of my recurring depressive episodes. On more than one occasion, things got really bad to the point where I'd think of putting an end to things, but thankfully I was able to distract myself long enough to keep pushing forward. Going through these awful battles with my own mind made me want to help people who might be going through similar things on their own. An emphasis on mental health is where the main theme for Frame of Mind and one of the main themes of Ghostn come from.

    The Compliance Jacket is the heart of this collection. It's the first piece I designed and it took multiple tries to get to the retail version. It features three yellow belts as an alternative to the zipper, multiple pockets, a velcro patch for utility, an embroidery of color bars you'd see on an old TV to test the image, and a distorted graphic on the back that says "OKAY". It resembles the kind of silhouette you'd see in the static of a channel you don't have access to.


    Remember that even if you're going through something sometimes you just need to say okay and get through it!

    The Die Trying Long Sleeve is a dark spin on a positive cliche. It's the most basic in the collection in terms of utility but visually, it's far from basic. It has the most traditional streetwear feel out of the three items. It features a graphic on the arm meant to resemble the age rating you'd see for an upcoming trailer, a yellow collar, and a graphic on the back that says "Die Trying/ Try Dying". Keep fighting.


    It's better to fight to the end rather than give up on yourself.


    The FFW Cargos feature two safari pockets alongside the standard two pockets in the front and back. The thing that makes them unique is the velcro straps on the back of the legs that let you change the silhouette of the pants. You can choose to have a baggier look or a more fitted one! The graphics on the sides feature a VHS label and a distorted FFW symbol. The label reads "do not play me". The idea came from being tired of being taken advantage of. 


    If something or someone is holding you back they shouldn't have a place with you while you push forward.

    Special thanks to my friends and family for helping this become reality. Special shoutout to Raechelle. This collection and this whole brand wouldn't be as polished if it weren't for her.


    This is just the beginning!




    Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it! Here are some resources if you find yourself in need of them.


    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


    Crisis Text Line


    The Trevor Project (LGBTQ support)


    National Sexual Assault Hotline


    Suicide Prevention Resource Center




    Remember that things do get better.


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